
The Klub Extraordinaire recognized as a “Remarkable Action” by the State

After a few months of touring, the Klub Extraordinaire has been rewarded for offering a totally innovative experience on the attractiveness of jobs! Unusual, this immersive experience created by neodigital has been registered as a “remarkable action” by the State!

Remarkable action: the Klub Extraordinaire project praised

Created by Basile Bohard and his team of creative designers. The Klub Extraordinaire is the first immersive roadshow for the general public. The latter takes a different approach to the issue of career futures.

Since its inception, the project has not gone unnoticed. Moreover, he is talked about in the media: “A new and unique experience,” says Tribune hebdo; “An enveloping melody and a studied lighting embark the visitor in a universe close to magic”, announces Le Parisien; “The staging is also reminiscent of attractions. As soon as you enter, colored frames welcome the visitor”, adds L’Éveil Normand.

The Klub Extraordinaire has been winning over visitors since it opened to the general public on September 29, 2020 in Pithiviers. “TheKlub experience is truly extraordinary: it restores confidence, enhances talents and skills, and on top of that, it’s super fun!”

That’s not all, the icing on the cake. The Klub is recognized as an “outstanding action” by the State as part of the Regional Skills Investment Pact. Among 39 actions planned by the Centre-Val de Loire region between now and 2022. In order to boost the territory, only 10 of them have been recognized by the State. Including the Klub Extraordinaire!

Welcomed by Jean-Marie Marx, former High Commissioner for Skills and Inclusion through Employment. The Klub Extraordinaire was chosen because it responds in an unprecedented way to the challenges of employment and training. By bringing people in search of professional meaning to discover, in a playful way, their talents. It is testing a new innovative approach where proximity is a main pillar.

The mediator in action in the Klub Extraordinaire
The mediator in the Klub Extraordinaire© – copyright neodigital 2021

Le Klub Extraordinaire: the success story of the neodigital studio

Throughout the project, the challenge was to proceed differently, to propose a new way of approaching these subjects related to orientation in order to be in phase with the new audiences. “We advocated a user-centered approach, where our efforts were focused on the needs and uses of the end users, i.e. the people who will actually live this experience,” explains Delphine Reboux, multimedia designer at neodigital.

The neodigital teams worked with passion to offer an experience that was as entertaining as it was educational, to be shared collectively: We had to take up a real artistic, technological and educational challenge to deal with a subject with a high social impact with poetry, aestheticism and magic!

And the magic is working for the visitors of the Klub: “I found the experience super fun! En fact, Iloved the fact that I was able to go further in self-discovery through activities interactive , says Auriane, a visitor to the local mission in Orléans.

With the title “remarkable action”, the quality and originality of neodigital’s work was praised! “We are happy to have allowed the visitors to listen, to see and to question themselves. To be informed, then to doubt in order to continue to move forward, to build with the hope of tomorrow!” concludes Basile Bohard. A notorious success that could make the Klub leave for other regions than the Centre-Val de Loire. ” An innovative program like this is bound to go beyond the borders of its region,” says François Bonneau, president of the Centre-Val de Loire region. Maybe we will bring the Klub back to Normandy…

To be continued!

Does this project give you ideas? You want to create an original immersive experience? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will discuss it over a good coffee!

Robin Bohard

Directeur de la communication